I have had such a busy month packing my whole life up at home ready to move to University (when you're reading this I will have just arrived!) and so haven't had much time to spend blogging, but I have managed to collect together some bits and bobs I have loved throughout the month to share with you!
Saturday, 10 September 2016
Saturday, 20 August 2016
The fastest way to straighten hair EVER?!
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After |

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Monday, 25 July 2016
Summer Bucket List 2016
I know I've been away for quite some time due to exams and then a holiday to Tenerife with my boyfriend & best friends (blog post to come!) but I am now well and truly back for the summer, and what better way to start it off than with a Summer Bucket List of all the fun things I'm hoping to do over the next few weeks until I go off to University in September (eeeek!)
- Build a pillow fort
- Have a movie marathon
- Take a boat out on a lake
- Go to an arcade
- Watch the sunset at the beach
- Stargaze
- Make a fire & toast marshmallows
- Go for a night-time walk to find Pokemon
- Have a picnic at the park
- Cook a 3 course meal
- Go to a theme park
- Hike to the top of a mountain
- Play mini golf
- Have a water fight
- Host a BBQ
- Have a girls' night in
- Play board games
- Go camping
- Play hide & seek
- Make a scrapbook
- Write a letter to my future self
- Read books in French
- Go for afternoon tea
- Start & finish a TV series
- Clear out & redecorate my room
Let me know what's on your summer bucket list! Also, if you have any suggestions for future blog posts then please do let me know, as I need to get back into the swing of things in terms of producing content after taking such a long break!
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Saturday, 14 May 2016
My 18th Birthday
Last Saturday (7th May) was my 18th birthday. It was an absolutely magical day, made special by my amazing family and wonderful boyfriend, and was finished off by a big, sparkle themed party with all of my friends before heading into town. The photographs by Tess Semour Photography were so amazing that I just had to share them with you all!

I requested "Let It Go" kareoke and got all the girls up to belt it out at the top of their voices!
We had lots of lovely heart-to-hearts about everything under the sun. Nia (second from the right) looked amazing with her pink hair and went all out with the sparkles!
My night was filled with smiles, hugs from people I love the most, lots of dancing and being attacked with even more sparkles!
I couldn't have asked for a better 18th birthday, and I'd just like to thank everyone who made it so special: my family, Ethan my boyfriend, my friends and of course Tess for capturing the whole night so beautifully!
I'd also like to apologise for my huge absence on my blog recently - I'm in the middle of revising for my A2 exams and am finding it really difficult to balance this blog among everything else I have to do! I promise I'll be back for good over the summer (and I have lots of holidays and fun things planned which I will share with you), but please bear with me for the next few weeks!
I'd also like to apologise for my huge absence on my blog recently - I'm in the middle of revising for my A2 exams and am finding it really difficult to balance this blog among everything else I have to do! I promise I'll be back for good over the summer (and I have lots of holidays and fun things planned which I will share with you), but please bear with me for the next few weeks!
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Saturday, 16 April 2016
Fitness: 6 Tips on How to Get Started
As summer edges closer, a thought on a lot of our minds is how we're going to get that "beach body" we've been dreaming of. Although this can act as good motivation, you should never think of fitness and exercise as solely a means to the end of this "perfect" body. The fact is, the perfect body does not exist. However, this is only because we can continuously improve forever, which is even more motivational for me. Below are just a few tips I have found to work for me whilst getting more into my fitness which I hope can benefit you too!
Saturday, 2 April 2016
My Visit to the LUSH Spa (Bath)
On Wednesday my mum and I had a "be kind to yourself" day and booked ourselves in for two treatments each at the LUSH Spa in Bath.
Saturday, 26 March 2016
14 Motivational Quotes for when you need a kick up the butt
It's at this time of year when we all seem to lack a bit of motivation. The new year has worn off and we have probably already broken our ambitious resolutions. Summer seems so far away while the temperatures are still in single digits. And, for all you students out there, exams are right around the corner and you need to start pulling yourself together in terms of revision. So, I've collected a few of my favourite motivational quotes to keep me, and all of you, going!
"You did not wake up today to be mediocre"
"Stop letting small minds convince you that your dreams are too big"
"The secret of getting ahead is getting started"
Saturday, 12 March 2016
Style inspiration from Gigi Hadid
I absolutely love following the lives of my favourite models and celebrities, and Gigi Hadid is definitely at the top of my list. Every time I see Gigi on the catwalk she brings her own personality and flair, and every time I see photographs of her street-style I am in awe of how she can look so effortless and laid-back while still looking chic. I've picked out a few of my favourite photos which I often look to for outfit inspiration, which I'll share with you below.
Saturday, 27 February 2016
LUSH Spring 2016
Every season I look forward to going along to the LUSH event in my local store (@LushCardiff) where I get an exclusive peek at all the products which are new in. Probably my favourite collection of products comes out in the spring, as I am a huge fan of sweet scents and you can't have Easter products without them!
Saturday, 20 February 2016
Mini Make-up Revolution Haul
I was on the look-out for a couple of new eyeshadows to add to my collection as I've almost hit pan on a lot of my everyday shades, but I ended up leaving town with 44 eyeshadows and highlight! I can't help myself when it comes to buying MUR products, as they're so affordable but don't compromise on quality.
Saturday, 13 February 2016
Top 5 Travel Essentials
I have been going a bit holiday-crazy recently as I've booked my first ever holiday with my boyfriend for July this year. So, when I was contacted by HomeAway and challenged to think of my top 5 travel essentials which I couldn't be without, I was well up for it!
Saturday, 6 February 2016
Exam Revision Techniques
You may have noticed that my blog posts have been a bit sparse throughout January - this was because I had my head down revising for my A2 mocks and found myself with little time to do anything else, let alone create blog content of a quality I was proud of. I'd like to apologise for the lack of posts and I promise I will get back on track with my upload schedule as quickly as possible!
I thought I'd start back by writing a post full of my most helpful tips for revision. These may not be as effective for everyone as they are for me as we all learn in different ways, but it could be useful to add something new to your revision schedule to change things up a little! I did a similar post this time last year on general exam revision tips which I would highly recommend reading if you haven't already, so this post will focus more on specific techniques I use to better my understanding of topics and memorise important sections.
Saturday, 23 January 2016
My Everyday Rose Gold Jewellery
I am definitely minimalistic when it comes to jewellery, as I love having a small collection of absolutely beautiful, delicate pieces which I adore and wear everyday. It is also important to me that my staple jewellery carries some meaning, so I really cherish it as special. Although it's a modern day cliché, I love rose gold and so all of the pieces I wear on a daily basis are a matching rose gold.
Saturday, 16 January 2016
Bblonde Maximum Ombré Kit* Review
I've been thinking about lightening my hair for some time, but it wasn't until after I got 16 inches cut off for charity that I could really physically do it, as it would have been a mammoth struggle when my hair was all the way down to my bum! I wasn't quite ready to lighten my hair all over, and I don't have the spare time to deal with retouching my roots, so I decided to try out ombré to refresh and brighten my hair for the New Year.
Friday, 1 January 2016
New Year's Resolutions
2015 has been full of unforgettable moments and has brought some amazing people into my life who I now can't imagine living without. I am much happier now than I was this time last year, and I have achieved some amazing things including getting AAAA in my AS levels, applying to university, getting my first job, finally recovering from an eating disorder, cutting off 16 inches of my hair for charity, getting rid of toxic people from my life and falling in love.
2016 is going to be a big year for me, as I'll be turning 18 in May and going off to university in September, and I know there will be some huge changes to my life. I am a little bit terrified but mostly excited for what this year has to offer and how I'll grow as a person faced with new challenges. I've made a couple of resolutions to keep me on track towards a happy, healthy me, which I intend to look back on over the course of the year to make sure I'm still fulfilling them.
1. Eat healthily - I know this is a very clichéd resolution, but I want to ensure I don't fall back into any unhealthy habits this year such as skipping meals or eating junk food out of convenience. I always feel and work a lot better when I eat properly, which is going to be more important than ever this year as I'm doing my A levels and starting university. However, this doesn't mean I'm going to be avoiding "unhealthy" foods altogether, as I know it is healthy to have them in moderation with the right mindset.
2. Tone up - Unfortunately when I lost a lot of weight a few years back I also lost my muscle definition from years of competitive swimming and gymnastics. I think this year I will be able to approach fitness with a healthy mindset, and exercise to tone up rather than to lose weight.
3. Save money - I am an absolute shopaholic and often turn to shopping when I'm stressed, sad or bored. I end up purchasing things I'll never get around to wearing as my closet is already absolutely stuffed, when I could be saving the money to spend on experiences, holidays, festivals and university. I'm going to put myself on a spending ban apart from items which are absolutely essential, refrain from online browsing and steer clear of the city centre as much as possible.
4. Keep room tidy - Having a messy room really stresses me out and makes me anxious, but as I don't have a lot of free time aside from college and my job, my mess often piles up because I just leave things lying around. I'm going to try my best to put everything back in its place after using it, and throwing out everything I don't use (this involves a huge wardrobe clear out in the new year!)
5. Work hard - To be fair, I do this already and my mum often has to tell me to STOP revising at night and give myself a break! However, this year is really important work wise and I'd hate to fall at the final hurdle due to not doing enough revision for my exams.
6. Relax - Anyone who knows me knows I hardly ever give myself time to relax, and I often overload myself with work and plans to the point that I physically can't even fit in 8 hours of sleep a night. I really need to work on giving myself some downtime to reload and make sure I stay sane.
7. Appreciate people - I think all of us overlook those around us to some extent and often don't make it clear how grateful we are to have people in our life. This year I am going to try and show my friends, family and boyfriend how much I love them every day and never take them for granted.
Do you have any New Year's Resolutions? Please share them in the comments below! I'd love to hear what goals you're setting yourselves for 2016.

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