Saturday, 10 September 2016

August Favourites

I have had such a busy month packing my whole life up at home ready to move to University (when you're reading this I will have just arrived!) and so haven't had much time to spend blogging, but I have managed to collect together some bits and bobs I have loved throughout the month to share with you!

Firstly, you may have seen a review I wrote a few weeks ago on the "Jade" ceramic hair straightening brush from Irresistible Me. Although my hair is relatively straight anyway, I find this perfect to flatten out any kinks or waves in my hair from having it tied up or sleeping on it, to give me a lovely sleek finish in around 5 minutes!

Secondly, I have been reading a new book called Only Ever Yours by Louise O'Neill. I have always been a huge bookworm and am especially interested in dystopian/utopian literature (think Nineteen-Eighty Four by George Orwell, A Brave New World by Adolus Huxley & A Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood). This book is a more modern take on the idea of a dystopian world and, without giving too much away, is an eye opening read for girls in their teens or beginning adulthood.

I was overjoyed to see that NYX have opened a counter in my local Boots store and I couldn't resist picking up their Soft Matte Lip Cream to try! The formula is insane - it dries on your lips without becoming flaky for a lovely matte finish which doesn't budge all day!

I received the Becca x Jaclyn Hill Shimmering Skin Perfector (Champagne Pop) for my birthday in May and have been absolutely loving it ever since. It gives a gorgeous golden glow to my skin without looking "fake" like some other cheaper highlights, and looks especially good with a tan!

I was also lucky enough to get the Anastasia Beverly Hills Cream Contour Kit (Fair) for my birthday. Although I don't wear heavy enough make-up to contour every day (I usually leave the house with a bit of concealer, mascara and highlight!), I love to use it on nights out when I know I'll be caught in pictures! The fair colour is perfect for my pale skin as it is very ashy toned and it blends perfectly with my foundation to create a flawless look.

Finally, as I have been Uni shopping recently I have been scouting out the home sections of all of my favourite stores. One which has surprised me is Primark Home, where I found this gorgeous turquoise, grey and marble cushion for only £6! If you're also going off to University or just fancy buying a few new bits for your room I would highly recommend going into store and checking it out!

I'm hoping to be blogging a bit more once I get back into a routine, and I'd love to know what sort of posts you guys want to read! I have thought of a few ideas such as: What to pack for University, Tips for settling in, Transitioning into Veganism, Vegan staples, How to start a Bullet Journal, but I'd love to hear your ideas!
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1 comment:

  1. I am a makeup freak and I got excited to see your blog on makeup stuff. I have also use NYX product and thier lipstick is really awesome in quality. I will definately try Becca skin shimmering perfector soon as u gave a good review about that. Thanks for sharing your experience.
