I was recently contacted by a representative of the website Irresistible Me and given an opportunity to choose one of their products to review. I had been following the huge internet hype surrounding the revolutionary concept of a hair straightening brush, so when I saw they offered this product I couldn't wait to try it out for myself!
When the Jade ceramic hair straightening brush arrived, I dug out an American plug adaptor and immediately tried it out on myself and was amazed at how it completely flattened out any kinks and waves with only one brush. However, as my hair is naturally quite straight I wanted to give it a proper trial run and so I put it to the test on one of my friends, Catherine, who has far curlier hair than I do. Hopefully this review will give you a proper idea of whether the hair straightening brush lives up to the hype!
Catherine's hair usually takes about 30-40 minutes to straighten completely as it is very thick. However, using the Jade brush it only took 15 minutes to do her entire head of hair. She was impressed with the results but did say it left her hair a little thicker than when she uses regular straighteners, but noted that it made the bulk of the work easier and that she would just go over the hair once quickly with her normal straighteners to smooth it down, knocking an impressive 15-20 minutes off the usual time it would take to achieve sleek, straight hair!
Before |
After |
One of the things which surprised me most while using the brush on both myself and Catherine was just how simple it was to use. There was no faffing about with extensively separating the hair into tiny sections, you can literally just pick up a large section and brush it through, and it is left straightened.
So, I would recommend looking into a hair straightening brush whether you have relatively straight hair and just need to flatten out any kinks or waves which have appeared overnight or from wearing your hair up, or if you have thicker, curlier hair which takes a long time to straighten and you want your morning routine to be faster!
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