Monday, 25 July 2016

Summer Bucket List 2016

I know I've been away for quite some time due to exams and then a holiday to Tenerife with my boyfriend & best friends (blog post to come!) but I am now well and truly back for the summer, and what better way to start it off than with a Summer Bucket List of all the fun things I'm hoping to do over the next few weeks until I go off to University in September (eeeek!)

    Summer Bucket List 2016
  1.  Build a pillow fort
  2. Have a movie marathon
  3. Take a boat out on a lake
  4. Go to an arcade
  5. Watch the sunset at the beach
  6. Stargaze
  7. Make a fire & toast marshmallows
  8. Go for a night-time walk to find Pokemon
  9. Have a picnic at the park
  10. Cook a 3 course meal
  11. Go to a theme park
  12. Hike to the top of a mountain
  13. Play mini golf
  14. Have a water fight
  15. Host a BBQ
  16. Have a girls' night in
  17. Play board games
  18. Go camping
  19. Play hide & seek
  20. Make a scrapbook
  21. Write a letter to my future self
  22. Read books in French
  23. Go for afternoon tea
  24. Start & finish a TV series
  25. Clear out & redecorate my room
Let me know what's on your summer bucket list! Also, if you have any suggestions for future blog posts then please do let me know, as I need to get back into the swing of things in terms of producing content after taking such a long break!
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