Saturday, 14 May 2016

My 18th Birthday

Last Saturday (7th May) was my 18th birthday. It was an absolutely magical day, made special by my amazing family and wonderful boyfriend, and was finished off by a big, sparkle themed party with all of my friends before heading into town. The photographs by Tess Semour Photography were so amazing that I just had to share them with you all! 

My friend Amber (on the right) bought me a "Birthday Princess" sash and a tiara so I felt like a real princess! 

I requested "Let It Go" kareoke and got all the girls up to belt it out at the top of their voices!

We had lots of lovely heart-to-hearts about everything under the sun. Nia (second from the right) looked amazing with her pink hair and went all out with the sparkles!

My night was filled with smiles, hugs from people I love the most, lots of dancing and being attacked with even more sparkles!
I couldn't have asked for a better 18th birthday, and I'd just like to thank everyone who made it so special: my family, Ethan my boyfriend, my friends and of course Tess for capturing the whole night so beautifully!

I'd also like to apologise for my huge absence on my blog recently - I'm in the middle of revising for my A2 exams and am finding it really difficult to balance this blog among everything else I have to do! I promise I'll be back for good over the summer (and I have lots of holidays and fun things planned which I will share with you), but please bear with me for the next few weeks!
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1 comment:

  1. Happy 18th Birthday! Looks like you had a magical day, one to remember for years to come as it should be.

    Suitcase and Sandals Blog XX
