Friday, 28 August 2015

1-Minute Festival Hairstyles

Festivals are the perfect opportunity to experiment a little more with your hair, to achieve that perfect boho messy-but-still-cute vibe. You'll want to use styles that keep hair off your face and that with stay in place whatever the weather (which will probably be rain, let's be honest). For this post, I have put together 3 hairstyles, one for each day of a weekend festival. Each style uses the same base and they won't take you more than a minute to transition from one to the other, so you won't miss any of the music!

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

LUSH Summer Product Launch

I recently attended a product launch at the LUSH store in Cardiff, to hear all about their new products, watch some impressive demonstrations, have a good old sniff around (literally), and generally have a fun night with some other local bloggers!

Friday, 21 August 2015

Morocco: Holiday Outfit #5 (City)

We decided to take a break from relaxing by the pool and travel into the heart of Marrakech to discover the city, the locals and the customs. The tour guide we were allocated only spoke French and Arabic, which although wasn't a problem for me as a French student, my family couldn't understand a word he was saying! Luckily he had a friend who spoke English, who bounced up to meet us with a huge grin on his face, which was the same expression we saw all day on the faces of the locals who met us.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Morocco: Holiday Outfit #4 (Pool)

My days in Morocco were mostly spent by the pool, purely because it was too hot to do anything else and I kept having to jump in to cool myself down! It was definitely a holiday more focused on relaxing than exploring the actual country, but I have had my fair share of those holidays and really just needed some time to chill out after a stressful year.

Friday, 14 August 2015

Morocco: Holiday Outfit #3 (Tennis)

The resort we stayed at in Morocco had two amazing clay tennis courts, which nobody was playing on because it was far too hot (45 degrees Celcius!) My brother is absolutely tennis crazy, so we decided to wake up early every day to play tennis before the heat became too unbearable.

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Morocco: Holiday Outfit #2 (Evening)

My general daily schedule while on holiday in Morocco was: wake up at 7am, have breakfast, play tennis, get changed for the pool, sunbathe & read, have lunch, sunbathe & read & swim, get changed for the evening, have dinner, sit in the bar with drinks watching the entertainment. So, I had about 3 outfit changes on a regular day. This outfit is one of my favourites which I wore in the evening.

Friday, 7 August 2015

Morocco: Holiday Outfit #1 (Pool)

I've just come back from an amazing 11 day holiday to Marrakech, Morocco with my family. I took a few photos while I was out there, of some of the outfits I wore, the beautiful hotel and the interesting city itself. I've decided to do a short series of posts, showing you just a snippet of the lovely time I had.

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

July Favourites

Words cannot describe how happy I am that it's finally summer! I am actually currently on a much-needed holiday in Morocco, but I wrote this favourites post in advance so I could still round-up all of the products I've been loving this month. I'm planning to do some holiday diary and outfit posts when I get back, so keep an eye out for those during August (or even better, follow me on Bloglovin' so you don't miss out!)