Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Pinterest Favourites

I've been getting into Pinterest a lot more recently, and I use it alongside Tumblr to give me inspiration for fashion, beauty, lifestyle and more. It's a lovely way to collect photos and articles together and organise them by theme for easy access! I thought I'd share with you a few of my favourite pins so you can get a feel for the kind of things I find inspiring. If you'd like to see more of the same kind of thing as shown below, you can follow me on Pinterest!


For those of you who follow me on Twitter, you'll know that I am umming and ahhing about having my long blonde hair chopped into a "lob" (partly because I am super lazy and my hair takes a LOT of effort to maintain!) I am persuading myself further and further, and created a Pinterest board dedicated solely to gorgeous, effortless, simple photographs of shorter hair.



If you hadn't already guessed, I am absolutely in love with Parisian street style, so I have a whole board devoted to my favourite French fashion!


 I really love natural, glowing, effortless make-up with a feature such as red lips or liquid eyeliner.


I really love thinking about the future, especially when it comes to the lifestyle I want to have! I love minimalist home decor because it's so calm, organised and stress-free. I can't wait to have a wardrobe as simple and organised as these ones!


I can't wait to see the world, so I keep track of the places I want to visit on my "Wanderlust" board! These photos are of Belgium, Paris and Florence. I seem to be drawn to European cities the most!

Blair Waldorf

Naturally, I had to create a board entirely dedicated to my favourite character in my favourite TV show!

I hope you liked this collection of some of my favourite pins! Remember to follow me if you aren't already for regular updates about what is inspiring me!

Keep up to date with my latest posts by following me!
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  1. Love the travel pins, Pinterest takes all of my free time lol

    xx Falasha
    Bite My Fashion ll Instagram ll Bloglovin'

  2. So beautiful photos! I have pinterest too but i don't use it sooo much...oh and i think that if you cut your hair like the first photo,will suit you sooo well ^_^

    xoxo Afrodite ~ BubblyBeauty135 | Bloglovin

  3. Great pins, such lovely photos! I have pinterest but I hardly use it anymore, I mainly only used it to find inspiration for my Photography exams!


  4. Love this post! I cut my hair short this past winter and was super happy about it, now being months later, I miss my long hair. But hair is hair and it will grow back! It takes WAY less time to maintain which is amazing, also cause I'm super lazy! I also love your pins - you have a new follower xx


  5. Love your pins, especially the home ones, that's goals right there! xx


  6. looove the shorter hairstyle!

    danielle | avec danielle
