Tuesday, 19 May 2015

My Lucky Day

I'm one of those people who never expects to win anything, but enters everything anyway telling myself "Why not? It could be my lucky day!" That lucky day finally came around when Kara from Abracadabra Girl emailed me to let me know I had won her blog's 1 year giveaway. I was excited enough to have just won something, let alone this extremely generous selection of products! 

I have had my eye on Charlotte Tilbury's Film Star Bronze & Glow since I took my first steps into the blogging world as it seemed to be the product everyone was talking about, and now I finally have the opportunity to try it without forking out an arm and a leg! The rose gold packaging which is so loved by many didn't fail to make me swoon, even before swatching the lovely shades!
I had never heard of Makeup Your Mind by Francois Nars before entering this giveaway but once I had read a summary and review of it, it seemed as if it was made for me! This gorgeous make-up lookbook is all about enhancing your natural beauty in different ways - each look has a before and after photo with a clear sheet in between acting as an overlay to highlight and explain each product used. I'm really excited to flick through and try out some of the simple but beautiful looks for myself!
I've never tried Chanel make-up before, but I think mascara is a good place to start as I know I will get use out of it and it won't end up sitting at the bottom of one of my drawers! I'm also really looking forward to trying out this lovely peach nail colour as I think it will be a perfect neutral tone for Spring.
The message I want you guys to take away from this post is that you never know when it could be your lucky day, but if you don't put yourself forward for things then there's a 100% chance it won't be. If you're wondering whether to do something, whether it's applying for a job or a course, asking somebody out on a date or even just entering a giveaway, remind yourself that you can't win a race without entering it in the first place, and what have you got to lose?

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  1. Congrats on winning! You're so right - nothing to lose with trying! :)

    http://trendkeeper.me .. Blogger hate?!

  2. This is exactly how I feel when entering giveaways, you never know so you may as well, the products look lovely :) x

    Just Little Things

  3. Congrats on winning! You got some awesome stuff!


  4. congrats on your winning i already won two a couple months ago and i was jumping all around haha

    The Color Palette

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