Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Interview with Petals of Perfection!

Me and Sophie from Petals of Perfection decided it would be a fun idea to interview each other on our blogs so you guys can get to know us a little better. Below is her interview, and you can visit her blog to read mine (but only after you've read this one!)

1. What made you want to start blogging?
I have always loved reading other blogs e.g. Zoella, DollyBowBow, Anna SacconeJoly... the list goes on and I wanted to try it out myself because it looked like so much fun! I also wanted to find a hobby that I'd be really passionate about and that could possibly help me in the future... which it has, because I was able to put my blog on my personal statement when I was applying for unis, and this made me stand out from everyone else... and now I have a place at Uni! I can also put it on my CV and having a blog is great practice for the style of career that I want, as I would like to work in the media industry! 

2. What's your favourite thing to blog about?
I love writing reviews on products... I love how simple the posts are but they are also very fun to write and enjoyable to read (I think)! I also enjoy writing more lifestyle posts, such as; blogging tips and tricks and general life advice! These kind of posts enable me to help others, which I love doing, and I also find it nice to just sit down and talk to my followers about life... It's the only time when I can really let my thoughts be expressed in a safe place online! 

3. What are your holy-grail beauty products?
I swear by any kind of lip balm! I am obsessed with the Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Skin Protectant ones... but for a more
 cheaper option, I love the Nivea ones! I hate having chapped lips and I'm constantly getting cold sores, so I always like to have a lip balm on me! I also swear by powers... I have really oily skin, so I need to matte it out and the Rimmel London Stay Matte powder does the job perfectly! 

4. Is there any advice you would give to newbie bloggers?
BE PATIENT! You can't start a blog and expect hundreds of people reading it straight away... and if you do ... WHAT IS YOUR SECRET?! I have had my blog since 2013 and it is only recently where I've had people following it and interacting with it... I would have to say that this may be because I have used other existing platforms (Twitter, Bloglovin', Instagram), to promote my blog and interact with other lovely bloggers. Also, blog for you and no one else! As soon as you start to not enjoy it as much/at all, then stop! There's no point doing something that does not make you happy! :) 

5. How/has blogging changed your life?
Blogging has definitely built my confidence as I now feel like I am good in what I do! It has also helped me interact with brands and other bloggers, which has opened up massive opportunities for me! I have also made great friends through blogging :) The blogging community really is great! 

6. Where do you see yourself in the future?
Well, in September I am going to Greenwich University to study Advertising and Marketing (BA Hons) and I am thinking about doing a placement year during that time as well, hopefully in somewhere like the BBC or Gleam Futures... this will hopefully open a lot of doors for me, and who knows, maybe I'll be in the media industry in no time! I would also like to find someone and start a family, but obviously I am in no rush to do that any time soon! 

7. What's your best piece of advice?
Don't over think things too much! I am guilty of doing this all the time and after, I question myself as to why I have excessively thought of something that usually is small and not worth worrying about! Life is too short, so try not to worry as much! There are solutions to everything :) 

8. What quote/motto do you live by?
"Never underestimate the power of being you!" "Don't let negative thoughts cloud your mind - with 
positivity comes sunshine!" "If you can dream it, you can do it" - Walt Disney

Visit Sophie's blog, Petals of Perfection to check out her post and find out my answers to these questions! Her blog is one of my favourites and I always find myself checking back, as I love her content, photographs and just her in general!

Joie de Jodie


  1. I enjoyed reading this! Now I'm going to read the interview with Joie de Jodie hehe :) x
    xx, marinasirmais

  2. So nice post...I really enjoyed reading this ^_^

