Friday, 13 February 2015

Gifts from my French Exchange

I am taking part in a French Exchange with my school and another in Rouen, France. Last week, my correspondent from France came over to Cardiff for 5 days to experience our language and culture. She was one of the sweetest girls I have ever met, really polite and helpful around the house and so happy and smiley. When she arrived, she was extremely excited to give me some gifts she had brought over from France. They consisted of a lot of food; chocolates, nougat & macarons, as well as some beauty items too, purely by chance! I thought I'd make a quick post showing you the generous gifts she brought, as I thought they were too pretty not to mention on my blog!

I am really excited to try out the L'Oréal Colour Riche lipstick she got me; it looks like the perfect pink colour to transition into spring! I love L'Oréal Paris products and I will be sure to pick her up a few Rimmel London products before I go to Rouen! While we were out shopping in Cardiff on Saturday, we decided to buy matching friendship necklaces to remember each other while we're apart. We chose some beautiful dainty gold necklaces with intertwined hearts.

I had an amazing time with my correspondent, Solveig, and I really missed her when she left. I am so excited to travel to Rouen next month to experience her culture and spend more time with her, as she was so lovely and we got to be really good friends. I'm looking forward to practicing my French - she warned me that hardly anyone can speak English there, and everybody greets you with a kiss on both cheeks! I will be taking my camera to France with me so I can take some photos of Rouen and obviously the beautiful Paris, and then I'll write a blog post documenting my time away!

Solveig (left) and I (right) smiling away at Roath Park Lake!


  1. What lovely gifts! That lipstick looks like such a gorgeous colour :)

    Beth x

    Bethany Georgina | Lifestyle Blog

    1. She was so generous! I'm really looking forward to using it :) x

  2. you both look so beautiful on the pic & and the gifts are amazing! Your correspondent is vey generous person :) I glad to found your blog & now i'm waiting for your new post about your time away in Paris xxx

    1. Thanks so much! I'm so glad you like my blog! xxx

  3. Aw what sweet gifts! That sounds like such a fun exchange program. I bet you'll have a ton of fun visiting her too!

    Jamie |

    1. I know! I'm really looking forward to it now! Thanks so much for commenting :)

  4. Awh I remember my high school doing this sort of thing, though I was never on the exchange program then. Such sweet gifts too, I hope you have as much fun when you go to visit her - speaking a language when there are more people to correct you and less to pander to your English is such a good experience :)

    little miss fii || Fii x

    1. I totally agree, I think my French will improve massively as well as having a lot of fun! x

  5. Aww bless her, that is a seriously sweet thing to do :) Those products are really pretty too :) I think it's amazing you are doing an exchange, I bet going to France will be a wonderful experience for you :D


    1. I know :) Thank you, I'm really looking forward to it! Will share everything on my blog afterwards too :) x

  6. Thanks this really helped me for my exchange in September! Any tips? :) does it matter if you have a small house? :) kinda worried!

    1. It doesn't matter at all about your house size! Spend time with your exchange but also make sure you give them some alone time, and maybe buy her a little gift when you go over there! x

  7. Sounds like fun and so exciting! I'd love to go to France....and how sweet of her to bring you pretty little gifts! I love the fact that they'll kiss you on both of your cheeks! heehee...

    Regina / Head Glam Girl at Margarita Bloom
    Margarita Bloom | Retro Vintage Skincare & Beauty
    (Enter our Valentines Giveaway for our Aphrodite Perfume Mist!)
    Twitter: @mbglamourville @margaritabloom
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    1. It was/is! I want to live in France when I'm older so it'll be a great experience! It's very cute haha x
