Friday, 3 April 2015

March in Photos

Another month has passed, and I am all too aware of my fast approaching AS exams. Despite this, I have managed to have another month full of plenty of fun and smiles, along with some much needed revision. I'm hoping exams won't affect my blogging schedule too much as I am writing posts in advance, but please bear with me and understand if things are a bit manic and I fall off the face of the earth for a little while! In March I have made lots of new friends, at a college party and at the GEC, as well as reconnecting with old friends (namely Catherine and Katy, two of my closest friends who will always be there even though we don't see each other as much as we'd like). If you'd like to keep up with my daily life on a bit more of a personal level, I'd love you to follow me on Instagram! (@jodievoss)

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